Anne Rowlands is a poet, writer and artist. Her blog is almost always fictional and possibly weird.
About Anne Rowlands
I hope you enjoy reading and viewing. I am a librarian and researcher by day, artist and creator by night, none of my library/archiving/research-related stuff will generally appear on this blog.
I’m a Transgender woman. I do poetry, short stories, art of fantasy, abstract and comics in digital, pen and ink, and watercolours.
My string of poems that all often seem to relate different characters that sit in my unconscious, the tags and categories are used to try and sort this out for you. Sometimes characters don’t appear for long periods, other times they are pretty much at the helm of the poetry engine.
I occasionally write music and songs, one of which has actually made it into staff notation, it's not my main talent but it's yet another way my creativity tries to escape from the enigma of my mind into the garden of creation.
Yes, that is where the name of the blog comes from.
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