
QNews is a Queensland-based publication covering the latest in local and national LGBTIQ current affairs, community issues, entertainment and more.

QNews is proudly Queensland’s largest source of information for the LGBTIQ community. QNews provides news, views, covering arts, entertainment, politics, health, travel, events and much more.

QNews encourages and enables people to improve relationships and engage with each other, wherever they are in businesses, schools, with their families, or in their neighbourhoods.


  • State: QLD


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Website build by Lithium Innovation Pty Ltd
A project by FUSE Magazine

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.

Working together for our community. LGBTIQ.DIRECTORY is produced by FUSE Magazine in partnership with A Gender Agenda, Capital Region Community Services, Communities at Work, Meridian, Northside Community Service and Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT.