ACT Together

ACT Together is always loking for more foster carers. We are looking for people just like you to make a huge difference in a child’s life.   

More than 40,000 Australian children rely on foster care and every year this number continues to increase. Barnardos has been at the forefront of child protection for more than 130 years and we believe that even the most vulnerable children can turn their lives around. We believe in our foster carers and provide constant guidance and support to ensure the carer and the child’s needs are met.

Call us today (02) 6228 9500  (ACT) or 1800 663 441 (NSW)


What is foster care?

Foster care is about looking after children and young people when they are unable to remain with their own families, often due to abuse or neglect. We believe in families staying together, but when this is not possible due to breakdowns or court orders, Barnardos Australia provides different types of foster care, depending on the needs of the child.

Each child at ACT Together has come from a different situation and has unique needs. Sometimes foster care is only required on weekends, some for two months, some for two years and some forever. But in every situation there is a common goal – a stable and nurturing home.

A foster carer becomes an integral part of the child’s life and provides a safe, secure and stable environment for these vulnerable children and young people. The time, patience and openness that a foster carer provides can help these children recover from traumatic experiences.

ACT Together needs single people, couples and families from diverse backgrounds in order to meet the wide-ranging needs of the children requiring foster care. We provide foster carers 24-hour support and a generous tax-free allowance in most situations.

If you're ready to open your heart and home to a child, this may be the journey for you.

Yes, it will be challenging. But the rewards will be indescribable.

Can I be a foster carer? > Take our quiz click here!

Find out more about becoming a foster carer with ACT Together.


ACT Together is a consortium if:

  • Banardos Australia
  • Austrlian Childhood Foundation
  • Oz Child


we love rainbow families


  • Street: 26 Thynne Street
  • Postcode: 2617
  • City: Bruce
  • State: ACT


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A project by FUSE Magazine

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.

Working together for our community. LGBTIQ.DIRECTORY is produced by FUSE Magazine in partnership with A Gender Agenda, Capital Region Community Services, Communities at Work, Meridian, Northside Community Service and Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT.